The Benefits of Outdoor Training

Don't want to go to the gym?
Don't worry!

Outdoor training has a whole host of additional benefits for you!

As the colder months and darker evening are drawing in, its all too easy to stay inside. 


Except, it's probably more important to get outside more!


All through the warmer months, we spent hours outside, soaking up the sun. Then, in the colder months, we hide inside and suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. 


Yes! Seasonal Affective Disorder is real! According to the NHS, it is believed to be caused by a lack of sunlight. The sunlight we enjoy during the summer reduces our melatonin (known as the sleep hormone), and increases our serotonin (improves our mood). 

By absorbing less sun, our melatonin levels increase, making us feel sleepy more, and our serotonin levels decrease, which can lead to feelings of depression. (To clarify, depression is a completely separate condition, and it is recommended to visit your GP if you feel depressed). 


Additionally, we normally absorb most of our Vitamin D from sunlight, which decreases in the colder months. Vitamin D helps to keep our bones, teeth and joints healthy. 


Training outside has many benefits, including: 

  • Sunlight - We can absorb sunlight to somewhat increase our Serotonin and Vitamin D levels, and reduce our Melatonin levels. 
  • Fresh Air - Breathing fresh air has so many benefits in itself, including, improved blood pressure, stronger immune system and more energy. 
  • Cold - The colder temperatures require your body to work harder to keep you warm, increasing calorie use, and regular exposure can reduce how cold you feel!
  • Harder Work - Unlike the gym, you can't guarantee a perfect environment for exercise. Wet boggy grass can absorb a lot of your running energy, wind resistance can increase the energy used. 
  • Facilities - You can get really creative training outside, using mounds or hills to increase intensity, or utilising large bodyweight moves to engage more muscles. 


Let me know your favourite ways to train outside in the comments below! 


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