No Excuses! Just Acceptance!

 We all have times when we can't be motivated. And things we can't do. 


But, for me, the true barriers to progress, are excuses. 


I've had a few weeks of losing motivation myself, but I am back, I admit that I could not be bothered, and am moving on feeling a bit more inspired and motivated. 

It is entirely normal to lose motivation for a few days, weeks and even months. It's natural that we aren't all experts at something. It's natural that life stops us doing what we want to do sometimes. And, naturally, we all come up with excuses, either true, exaggerated, or not quite true. 


But self-acceptance is important! 


For me, the time spent coming up with excuses, is time that could be spent doing something better. 


The picture (above) from is from BBC Radio One, where Tom Hardy was interviewed. Of course, he could have said his rap career flopped due to illness, or traffic, or circumstances. Instead, he chose to recognise that he's just not a good rapper. Allowing him to focus on his acting career instead. 


So, if you've fallen for a bit of birthday cake. No excuses. Just own it, get back up, and carry on as you did before.  


Missed the gym a few times? No excuses. Own it, and get back in when you can. 


Lets stop wasting time on making up excuses, own our downfalls, and really focus on what makes us happy! 



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