Making the Impossible, Possible!

 Throughout history, some of the greatest sporting achievements have been perceived as impossible.  


And I am sure that you will have heard that you can't do something for various reasons.


Well, I'm here to tell you that you can! 

We are all familiar with Usain Bolt, his record of 9.58 seconds for a 100m Sprint beats Jesse Owens 100m record of 10.2 seconds by 0.62 seconds. And yes, we now have better training techniques and understandings of how the body works and adapts. We also have made huge strides (pun intended) technologically. Bolt uses starting blocks, and a specifically designed track to improve speed. Owens ran on cinders, having dug his own hole to use as a starting block. The cinders would be much like running on sand, the softness absorbing energy from every stride Owens made. Biomechanical analysis suggests that if Bolt and Owens ran on the same surface, and same conditions, Bolt would not be 0.62 seconds ahead of Owens. In fact, Owens would be right on Bolts heels, giving him a run for his money. 

So, you may not be as fast as Bolt now, but technology and advancements in science means anything is now possible. 


Before 1885, it was believed impossible to swim across the Chanel, from Dover to Calais. Then in 1985, Captain Matthew Webb, was the first person to swim across the Chanel unaided. Since then, hundred of people have swam the Chanel. 


Before 1954, it was believed impossible to run a 4 minute mile. Then in 1954, Roger Bannister ran a mile in 3minutes 59.4 seconds. Since breaking the believed to be impossible 4 minute mark, it is now commonplace for people to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. 


In 2018, Ross Edgley completed the first swim around Great Britain. In his book he reported that sport scientists and many people declared this an impossible feat - especially without a typical swimmers physique (thin, long torso and short legs). 1792 miles later, Ross takes his first steps on land after 157-days at sea, having completed the swim around Great Britain. 


So, next time someone tells you that you can't do something, just remember its because they believe it is impossible. If you believe it is possible, you can do it! 


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