Sport is Sport!

 At present, there is no singular definition of sport. Normally, Sport is viewed as a physical, competitive activity. While some would consider that Sport cannot be played by proxy (instructing another person), some consider that Sport could be.


Historically, Sport was created for men to show-off and prove they are better than other men... Proof that some things really don't change?


So, what really makes up a Sport?

That sort of question is much too philosophical for an article. We all have different views on Sport and how it is played and what constitutes a Sport.


I believe that Modern day Sport is an extremely underutilised, yet powerful tool to unite us. 


You'll likely have heard during Christmas of 1914, during World War One, many places experienced a ceasefire, and of all things, a friendly game of football. This sort of experience would be unimaginable. 


And, you'll often see Sport on Documentaries and TV, and I don't mean elite sports. Even our Prime Minister has got in on this (albeit unsuccessfully). A friendly game of football, or basketball, or cricket, overcoming language barriers or racial differences, and even gives a distraction from Poverty.  


And even at elite level, there is no language barrier in Sport. Think of the World Cup or the Olympics. 


Around the world, there are examples of Sport being used to improve health, improve wellbeing, reduce crime, reduce hatred, increase respect. 


Yet, Sport is very much commercialised now, it's prime purpose to turn a profit. 


Millions of us tune it to see world class athletes, at the peak of their physical fitness, sponsored by the likes of Coca Cola and McDonalds. High sugar cereals, and unhealthy snacks have some of our favourite sporting heroes all over the packaging. 


Millions miss out, because getting involved in Sport now requires ability and membership costs and uniform costs. 


So, why can't we use Sport to help encourage healthy eating and healthy lifestyles. And why does it have to be so hard to get into? 


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