Fact? Fiction? Truth? Lies?

 When it comes to chasing your goals, there are countless methods, techniques, diets, machines, and workout recommendations, that it seems impossible to know which will work. 


Here, we look at how to decide on the effectiveness of these recommendations. 

Firstly, when considering your options, always remember if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. And even if there is 'proof', there are likely some unmentioned side effects. Perhaps, someone has said that they have lost 2 stone in a week from a cheap miracle drink or diet. Chances are this is not true. And if it is, it is probably an extremely unhealthy way to lose weight.


Secondly, consider where these options are coming from, and look into any research mentioned. Who is giving this advice and why? Perhaps, its a friend who has heard from a friend who heard from a friend. Perhaps its an advert on social media. Maybe its an article in a magazine. Wherever possible, go directly to the source. Often magazines and adverts do not tell the whole truth. They may say 'this product helps increase muscle mass', and the research into it found 'this products helps increase muscle mass in malnourished, sedentary mice'. Hopefully, you won't be malnourished, and you certainly aren't a mouse, so how relevant is this to you? 


Finally, consider the alternatives. Sure, a 'diet pill' could help you lose pounds (both from the waistline and the pocket). But a daily walk can help you lose pounds (from only your waist) and also improve your cardiovascular health, mental health, enjoyment, movement efficiency, and the list goes on. 


For most people, exercise and a balanced diet is plenty to help you achieve your goals. Some people may need to supplement or choose alternatives, especially if on a restricted diet. Most people can also do some sort of physical activity. Sure, you may not be able to run a marathon, but gardening or walking the dog can still help you reach your goals. 


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