The BEST Exercise!

What really makes the 'best' exercise? I'm sure you will have heard that you must do this and that to achieve your goals, but is there really a singular 'best' exercise? Put simply... No there isn't! Two exercises do receive a lot of support that they are the best... the deadlift and the burpee. And the science behind these claims? Both actively use most the muscle groups - arms, legs, back, chest, core. So, what do I think is best? For me, exercise is all about enjoyment and specificity. So, any exercises should be specific to your goals, and as much as possible, enjoyable. If you want to deadlift 100kg, then you will need to deadlift. If you want to swim 5km, and hate deadlifts, then there is no need to do them. Similarly with cardiovascular exercises, you will have often seen a chart or picture of calories burned per hour per exercise, sometimes with skipping as the highest calories per hour....